15 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About Meeting or Planning

15 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About  Meeting or Planning


It makes sense that the quality of our work significantly impacts how happy we are, given  that we spend one-third of our life at work. Our employment inexorably impacts our happiness because we spend so much time there. Therefore, planning and meeting are of utmost importance.


In a nutshell, event management and planning are indicators of an employee's job  satisfaction. Now more than ever, the saying "love what you do, do what you love" is true.  Businesses need more enthusiastic workers who are willing to put in their all. 


This saying, "First impressions last," is accurate, and it applies especially when you are a  new employee. 

Additionally, employee abilities like event production, event management, stage design, etc., significantly contribute to the growth of impressionable remarks.  

So, Here are 15 meeting planning-related topics your boss wishes you knew


1. Event management 


Event management requires keeping an eye on all the details leading up to and during the  event, whether it's a conference, wedding, or other scheduled meetings. Event managers  oversee the staff, finances, vendor relationships, and other aspects of the event's execution. 


Creating an event planning portfolio, hunting for work, or working with a customer who needs  help understanding your job function and obligations might take a lot of work. 


2. Stage design 


Stage design includes all the visual components during a performance, such as the set, the  costumes, the lighting, and the props.  


The designers work together to ensure that the stage design fulfills the performance  demands and produces a united setting for the play because they aim to create a unique,  cohesive universe. 


3. Plan Your Team's Work 


A concerted team effort is required to manage all the arrangements for any event. Consider  selecting a single primary event manager or chair in addition to specific chairpersons for  each subcommittee, such as: 


● Location Management 

● Speakers 

● Entertainment 

● Publicity 

● Sponsors 

● Volunteer Administration 

Additionally, it will enable delegation; however, remember to factor committee meetings into  the timing of your event plan. 


4. Identify Your Event 


You could stand out from other events with the help of an intriguing and topical theme. Pick  a compelling theme, and use it to guide every aspect of your event—even the name.


Highlight the unique aspects of it, especially in online media, as this may be what draws  people in.


Name generation, slogan creation, and logo design are some crucial tasks. 

Use your name, tagline, and logo as soon as you have them in all your marketing materials  to help people unfamiliar with your company begin to recognize you and remember the  event. 


5. Event Production 


Event production is an event's technological and artistic execution using sound, lighting,  video, design, and other elements to influence the environment, attendees' moods, and  emotions.  


An event producer will collaborate with customers (often meeting planners or event  managers) to determine the event's concept before planning its technical and logistical  elements, such as audiovisuals, vendors, staff, equipment, and finances. 


6. Experiential design 


Although experiential design draws elements from several fields, at its core, it is about  providing fantastic customer service. Keep a few things in mind while designing a product or  marketing strategy. 

Despite being an extensive-phrase that covers many different fields, experiential design is  simply the art and science of influencing the consumer experience. 


A first impression is created every time a customer interacts with your product or service,  and this impression is influenced by effective experiential design. 


7. Live Announcer  


To distribute crucial announcements and make announcements, you need an announcer.  This is an essential step in preparation for a meeting or event. 


You've spent months planning, creating, testing, and getting ready. There are three people  to please: customers, sponsors, and the audience. Finding the ideal announcer to carry out  your vision can be difficult, whether you're planning virtual, live, or hybrid events. 


Live Announcer is the most reliable platform you will ever visit. You don't have time to cater to a novice's or famous person's ego. You require a skilled live broadcaster who is easy to deal with and doesn’t require your constant supervision. 


8. Budgeting 


You should always remember that you are using someone else's funds to pay for the event you are arranging. Having sound financial management and budgeting skills is essential in the event sector.  


It's so simple to get nickeled and dimed; you need to pay attention; extra fees and  purchases could mount. Be wise and frugal. 


9.Negotiating techniques 


Whether you like it or not, a significant portion of your work as an event planner will involve  negotiating contracts. Locations, amusement, food, your services, and more! Anything you  can think of will need to be agreed upon. 


The ability to negotiate contracts in your clients' favor regularly will put you on the fast track  to recommendations and repeat business. These skills will set you apart from typical event  planners and make you a standout. 


10. Multitasking 


Event planners are multitasking masters, as stated at this piece's beginning. Managing  several tasks, deadlines, and assignments at once is a requirement for an event's success.  Consider all the activities that happen during a single event.  

The chaotic event game requires you to stay alert, anticipate what will happen next, and  follow through with your squad. 


11. Leadership 


You need to be aware of the level of accountability an event planner has. A considerable  amount of responsibility necessitates leadership and delegation. It's not simple to lead teams  of people with different backgrounds and leadership styles, and it's not for someone who  needs more self-assurance.  


Many people have a natural aptitude for leadership, but those who don't feel comfortable  exercising it will undoubtedly need to put in a lot of effort to develop it.


12. Communication 


To ensure you are aware of every project and strategy, you must feel at ease following up  with your clients and every third-party vendor and team you work with.  


Along with being at ease speaking to a variety of people throughout the day, you must be  skilled at delivering instructions and messages in a way that is understandable to everybody. 


Being an event planner means you are in charge of organizing the event and ensuring that it  is carried out as planned. You won't lose track of anything if you have effective  communication and a kind demeanor, even all through the behaviors of your team. 


13. Adaptability 


All aspects of the profession require the ability to adapt to any situation, especially when that  situation involves high danger and stress. You must be able to respond swiftly to challenges  as an event planner and change course.  


There will be deviations from your well-planned checklist; this is a given in every event. Your  event, and ultimately your reputation in the business, will depend on how you handle the  situation when it arises. 


Quickly adjust to new developments, issues, or adjustments, and always be prepared with a  "plan B."


14. Creativity 


This is a no-brainer. Innovation is essential, and the goal of the position is to engage and  astound clients and event attendees.  

A location may be reserved, caterers can be hired, and anyone else can confirm  entertainment, but event planners elevate those aspects to a new level. Understanding how  to turn ideas and spaces into something better is challenging. 


15. Meeting Planners 


A meeting planner makes expert selections in meeting setup and presentation. They  organize meetings, set meeting goals, schedule them, budget their costs, examine the  meeting locations, bargain with vendors, and choose the speakers.  

They also must take care of the meeting's technical equipment and travel preparations.  These things will make you more impressive and reputable in front of your boss.


Written By

Tony Pasquale

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